2019(e)ko azaroaren 7(a), osteguna

Lost in the Jungle-Susan Newman


The Miller family is on holidays. This year they're in Thailand. They made their way to the jungle. Sam,Linda and dad went to the jungle,the driver was named Cha.Cha falls and leaves them on the ground . Cha tells them to keep going. Dad feels bad and sits next to Cha. They ran and found a stream. They made a boat with bamboos near the creeks and when a large rock and Sam fell Linda pulled Sam out of the creek and she covered the sickle which Sam had made. A town was found again when the whole family came together and went to the helicopter.

Personal Opinion

This book is very interesting.I like it very much.I enjoyed  reading it.

Student's name
Ireber Goya

1 iruzkin:

  1. The Miller family goes on holidays to Thailand and I found the book really interesting.
    Axier Etxeberria
