2020(e)ko azaroaren 30(a), astelehena

Lost in the Jungle-Susan Newman


The Miller family goes on holiday to  Thailand. One day, they go to  the jungle on a tour. Mum doesn't go. Cha is their guide. Dad, Sam and Linda go with Cha by car. In the jungle Cha falls over, a snake bites him and Dad feds ill. Sam and Linda are scared. They start running, and they get lost. They cross the river on a bamboo  raft. Suddenly, the raft hits a rock. Sam falls into the water. In the end, Linda and Sam find a village.  Kris helps Sam and Linda. All together they rescue Dad and Cha. 

Personal Opinion

In my opinion the book is not very intesesting. It is childish.

Student's name

Malen Garmendia Martinez.

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