2020(e)ko abenduaren 11(a), ostirala

Lost in the Jungle-Susan Newman


The Miller family is in Thailand on holidays ( mum, dad, Sam and Linda ). One day, they decide to go to the jungle. Mom doesn’t go, because she prefers to stay in the hotel. In the jungle, they see very beautiful things.  Cha is the guide and goes with them. Suddenly, Cha says “Aaaah I’ve been bitten by a snake”. Immediately, dad, Sam and Linda run to a village to take the  antidote. When they are running, dad feels ill. So, Sam and Linda continue their  way to the village. On the way, they have some problems; Sam gets hurt, and an elephant runs towards them. Mum is worried and she calls the police. Then, a helicopter goes to the jungle to rescue Sam, Linda, dad and  Cha.

Personal Opinion

In my opinion the book is boring. I don't like the story. However, it is easy to understand.

Student's name
Jone Garmendia Martinez

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