2021(e)ko otsailaren 10(a), asteazkena

The Hacker-Ken Harris


One day Tony Baker comes to class, he fights with some very bad people who stole his ball and made fun of him. After that, a person stole his computer code to hack high school computers. He come home and told everything to his mother and found a letter that said that his mother had to pay 10,000 dollars for the reforms of her library. The directors of the institute asked his for tests and went with his friend Emma.
Personal Opinion

My opinion about this book is that I liked it more than I expected, I specially liked the part where some people steal  the ball, they start to hesitate and stick because it is a part that they get into trouble and things like that. I love them and there is one thing that I did not like that it was like that, the letter of the 10,000 dollars but if not in general I liked the book.

Student's name
Sebastian Simon

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