2021(e)ko otsailaren 2(a), asteartea

The swiss family Robinson-Johann David Wyss



The family is in a ship when a storm happens. The current  is very strong and the ship has an accident crashing into two rocks. The next day they are in the middle of the sea,in front of a beautiful island. The sailors unload  the ship and start exploring. And they find :coconuts,fish ... The father and the oldest son go into the sea. They find a lot of objects, and with the objects that they find,they build a house. They live there for some time but they don 't sleep in the house. Then, the mun finds an incredible cave and they start living there. One day,  they find a note in a bottle. The note says " please help me, I am lost and alone in a small island" from Emily. The oldest son goes in search of Emily. After some days he meets her. A few days later, an English family comes to the island to live there. And they all become friends very quickly. 

Personal Opinion
In my personal opinion  it is a very beautiful story.

Student's name
Enara Telleria Olaskoaga.

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