2021(e)ko martxoaren 4(a), osteguna

Dino's Day in London-Stephen Rabley



Tommy Grant is a taxi driver in London. Gloria bash is a famous film star, Gloria’s son is Dino. “Tommy, can drive, Gloria’s 12 years old son, Dino”. Says Sam. Tommy is at the Ritz hotel, fifteen minutes early. There’s a letter for Tommy at the Ritz, and 50€, too. That 's for Dino. Tommy is surprised. “That's a lot of money” says. The letter says, to take Dino to all these places: Buckingham palace, Harrods and The British Museum. Tommy drives to Buckingham palace, but Dino doesn’t want to see that old palace. Tommy and Dino are very hungry and Dino goes into the Big Burger with a 20€ note. Tommy thinks “i can buy a week's worth of food with 20€” and he eats a sandwich. Tommy asks Dino “do you want go to the British Museum now?”.”ok” answers Dino. Tommy is very happy. Tommy gives Dino 10€ . But he goes into a cinema across the road from the museum, Tommy very angry. Dino’s tired and he wants to have a bath before dinner. At 4:30 Tommy stops in front of the hotel. Gloria is very angry. Tommy sees a boy sitting on a chair. His name is Dino: Tommy surprised: “But this can’t be Dino!” He says “young man, i know my son!” answers Gloria.

Personal Opinion
It is quite easy to read, it is interesting.

Student's name
Nicol Diaz

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