2021(e)ko martxoaren 10(a), asteazkena

The missing coins-John Escott


The story happened in Bath, England. Pete and Carla went to a shop about coins and stamps. Before that, they met a flute player and they thought it wasn’t the best street to play the flute. Not many people were in the street. They left the shop because, the workers were rude. While Pete and Carla were in a café, the shopkeeper came and told them they stole some coins from his shop. It wasn’t true. Carla, with the help of a police officer resolved the robbery. Tracy and the flute player were guilty and the police arrested them. The shopkeeper gave some stamps to Pete.

Personal Opinion

I like the book because it is easy to read and interesting.

Student's name
Joar Berasain Garmendia

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