2021(e)ko martxoaren 1(a), astelehena

The Mummy's Secret-Maureen Reynolds


Katie's uncle Merton is an Egyptologist. One day, she visits his uncle's house and she discovers a secret room there. She also finds a secret cupboard and without thinking it twice she gets inside. She suddenly appears in Egypt and some soldiers capture her because they think Katie wants to kill the Pharaoh and some soldiers capture her because they think Katie wants to kill the Pharaoh. From that moment on, she lives many adventures and when they finally end, she returns home safe and sound.

Personal Opinion

In my opinion, this is an excellent book. I like it because it is very easy to read.. It has many plots connected to one another. I recommend it to everybody who wants to learn English and likes Egypt.

Student's name
Mara Zubeldia

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