2021(e)ko apirilaren 22(a), osteguna

The Birds-Daphneu Du Maurier



The story focuses on the heroic efforts of a farmer called Nat Hochen. It all starts in December, he notices that there are more birds than usual. Birds start acting agresively, one day they start pecking at Nat´s eyes. One day the birds are mone calm so Nat goes to his neighbours and he finds their mutilated bodies next to the telephone. That night the birds attacked again. Nat unable to resist any longer settles back and listens an even the tiniest of birds join in the final assault.

Personal Opinion

I personally think this book is very interesting. From my point of view, it is very entertaining and the plot is developed. If you want to start reading in English, I will recommend this book, It is very appropiate to start reading in English.

Student's name
Maialen Bereziartua

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