2021(e)ko apirilaren 15(a), osteguna

The murder at the Vicarage-Agatha Christie


A magistrate is found death at the vicarage. Two different people confess the crime; the magistrate's wife and her lover. They are acquitted for several reasons so the police have to look for the murderer with the help of the Vicar and Mrs. Marple, who is a very smart and old woman. This is very complicated because there are many suspects.

Personal Opinion

This book is interesting and the plot hooks. The only problem is that it has many characters and it gets messy sometimes. Other than that, the plot is very interesting and has a twist at the end which makes you not expect who the murder is. I would recommend reading this book but with a pen and a piece of paper next to you to write down all the names.

Student's name
Shara Montero

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