2021(e)ko apirilaren 25(a), igandea

The Ransom of Red Chief-O. Henry



In the first story two men try to hide and keep a child to receive a rescue. But when they want to do the change the child doesn't want to go so he grabs hard one of the kidnappers. The second one, tells about a rich family. A banker's son who fells with a woman and he marries her. The third one is about two friends. One is a robber and the other is a policeman. They promised they would meet there 20 years ago. And the last story goes a man that gets out of the jail 10 months after, fells in love with a bank manager's daughter and saves a child from stucking in a safe box.

Personal Opinion

I didn't like the 3 other stories much but the fisrt one was great. I enjoyed reading the first one because it was the longest one and the prettiest one.

Student's name
Ramón Gallardo

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