2021(e)ko apirilaren 26(a), astelehena

The Skating Detective-Ellen Hopkins


This book is about a 16 year old boy who is called Jonah and loves skating. One day he was skating and a boy called Eric saw him and told him that he skated very well. He invited him to skate with this group "The Skaters". Jonah  met them at Newfill centre, a large square in the middle of the town with a smooth surface and asphalt build in waves around a fountain. There were some boys in the group that didn't want Jonah, so they decided to ask him to do a skating test. He should go down a difficult hill by the lake in the park. Jonah did it and became one of "The Skaters".

Personal Opinion

The book was very interesting and very funny.

Student's name
Robert Slivinschi

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