2021(e)ko maiatzaren 26(a), asteazkena

Me before you-Jojo Moyes



Will is a rich, handsome and succesful boy and he loves fast riding motorcycle. One day, Will hurries to a business meeting, but suddenly he falls under the wheels of a motorcycle. This accident changes his life forever, because now Will is confined to a wheelchair. He needs someone to care him and in that moment Will meets Louisa. One day, Will become ill and that is the moment when Louisa knows that he wants to kill himself. Then, Louisa's life begins to change without he even noticing, because she is in love with him, and Will also is in love with Louisa. They live many adventures together, they travel, they go to concerts and he is much more happier. But one day, he tries to kill himself again, because he feels that Louisa deserves a better boy that a person in a wheelchair. They are both very sad but how will this love story end?

Personal Opinion

This has been one of the best romantic books I have ever read. This is a book about friendship, love, patience, anbitious and about many more aspects of real life. You only live once and it's actually your duty to live it as fully as possible. I think that the moral of this book is to live each day to it's fullest. If you read this book you will see that the title "Me Before you" has no sense, because it really wants to say " who I was BEFORE I met YOU". I really recommend to red this book and more to those who like love stories.

Student's name
Sara Elzaurdi

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