2021(e)ko azaroaren 18(a), osteguna

Frankenstein-Mary Shelley



In this story Victor is the protagonist, he has always been interested in science, so he went to university to study it. One day he started with a project that was impossible, he tried to built a human with several body parts, and and he did it! But it wasn't like he expected, because it was terrifying. For this, he came back home and his father noticed him that his little brother had been murdered, and he knew who the murdered was, Frankenstein. So he found him, he told him that no one wanted to be friend, so he told him to built a girl to stay with him but Victor refused. That was the reason for the next murder, his best friend Henry. Time passed and he married Elizabeth and when they went on their honey moon, Frankenstein murdered her. Victor's father died from sadness. Finally, Victor died and Frankenstein was sad also because although they didn't have a nice relationship, he was his creator.

Personal Opinion

This story has impressed me a lot . I didn't expect to read about several murders, and it's a very sad book. But I think the book is very well written and interesting with a good plot and it also can be read by people of all of ages.

Student's name
Olaia Insausti

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