2021(e)ko azaroaren 21(a), igandea

Motorcycle Mystery-Sandra Sherwood


Janet and her family move to Toronto, where they stay with her aunt, uncle and cousin for a few weeks. Kevin, her cousin, is a difficult teenager but she builds a friendship with him. Janet discovers that Kevin has got a secret and Janet tries to help him. Kevin's parents think that he spends his summer morning at school, studying for the maths exam but Janet discovers that her cousin's working in a motorcycle shop. Janet decides to keep it his secret end decides to help Kevin pass the exam. One day, Kevin left Janet alone in the shop, a boy stole a motorcycle and she decided to call the police. The boy who had stolen the motorcycle was a friend of Kevin, who had threatened to commit the robbery. Finally, the police decided to punish Kevin to do social work.

Personal Opinion

I think that is a good book to read because there is mystery and you always want to read more and it is easy to read. I recommend it to teenagers because maybe, someone feels identified with Kevin's attitude and they may change.

Student's name

Iraia Zufiaurre

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