2021(e)ko azaroaren 11(a), osteguna

The L-Shaped Room-Lynne Reid Banks



Jane Graham a French girl, who is single and pregnant of two months, rents a room in the slums of London. There she will establish a peculiar friendshio with the neighbours, including Johnny, a saxophonist, and Toby with whon she will start a love relationship, without telling him she is pregnant. The book talks about abortion, a polemic subject nowadays, poverty and loneliness.

Personal Opinion

This story is a worth read as it talks about nowadays' subjects, such as abortion and poverty, which are ignored and delicated subjects to talk about. It is easy to read and you can't stop reading it. It has a love story, which turns out difficult for both of them as she doesn't tell Toby that she is pregnant.

Student's name
Intza Olano Huesa

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