2022(e)ko apirilaren 29(a), ostirala

A Pocket Full of Rye -Agatha Christie


A bussines person dies while he is having a cup of tea in his office. The next morning, the man goes to the doctor and they do a test on him because the tea he drank made him feel bad, inthe results of these test they tell him that he has been intoxicated. The police found some rye grains in the pocket of his jacket. Relatives did not love the bussinesman, so his death was beneficial to almost all members of this large family. The first suspect is his young wife because it would be the main heir of the fortune. They also belived that the one who could have poisoned him was his father with whom he did not have a healthy relationship, he sent him a letter to make peace. The police continued to investigate and found the real thief who will not believe who it was.

Personal Opinion

I really enjoyed reading this book. As you read it, you become more interested in it and you are all the time intrigued by what is going to happen next.

Student's name
Deiane Bachiller

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