2022(e)ko apirilaren 30(a), larunbata

The Scarlet Letter-Nathaniel Hawthorne



The novel is set in a Puritan village in New England. The main character is Hester Prynne, a young girl who has a daughter outside the marriage. Hester considers herself a widow, but her husband, Roger Chillingworth, arrives in England very alive and conceals his identity. He forces his wife to wear scarlet A in her dress as punishment for her adultery. After Hester refuses to name her lover, the husband becomes obssesed with finding his identity. When he hears of this man, Arthur Dimmesdale, a young holy minister, the chief of those who implore him to be the child's father, afflict him. In the meantime, terrified by his guilt, Dimmesdale is getting sicker and sicker. Hester herself appears as a self-satisfied hero who never repents of adultery with the minister, and feels that her act was offered by deep mutual love. Though at firts she is despised, in time her compa and dignity silence many criticts. At last, Chillingworth is degraded morally because of his quest for revenge. Dimmesdale is destroyed by his feelings of guilt and publicly confesses his adultery before he dies in Heste's arms. Only Hester can face the future boldly as she prepares to start a new life with her daughter Pearl, in Europe. A few years later, Hester returns to New England, where she continues to use the scarlet letter. After her death she is burned next to Dimmesdale, whose tombstone is inscribed with these words: "ON A FIELD, SABLE, THE LETTER A, GULES".

Personal Opinion

In my opinion, having read this book was very valuable because even though the story is hard, it makes you see how women lived in the XVIth century. It was very difficult for them to move on without a man in some situations and that is an injustice that luckily has changed nowadays. Apart from that, I have enjoyed reading the book because I am very interested in this topic.

Student's name

Aitana Cabido Garmendia

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