2022(e)ko maiatzaren 11(a), asteazkena

High Life Low Life -Alan Battersby



The protagonist of this story is a normal man, whose name is Nat Marley and lives in New York. He works at an office as an investigator. One day, he was going to work when he met an old friend that was homeless. So, they got into a bar to have a coffe, but suddenly, she was having a heart attack, and Nat called 911. For that moment, became a hero because he had saved her life. That is why he appeared in a newspaper and an old woman contacted him. The was so proud that he had saved her life, so she was gonna give him all her money when she died. Nat was so confused but he realized that she was not very well, mentally. The homeless woman, Annie, called him from hospital and said to him that she wanted to meet her son again, that she hadn´t seen him for too many years. At the end, he was able to find him and she could say goodbye to her son. The rich woman, Mrs Whittaker will also die, but what is going to happen now?

Personal Opinion

In my opinion, I enjoyed the book more than I expected. I find it interesting and different from others, so I would recommend it!

Student's name
Olaia Insausti

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