2022(e)ko ekainaren 6(a), astelehena


A boy named Ricky and his best friend, Tony, love basketball and it is part of what gives meaning to life. They study in high school and the dream of both is to play in the high school team, which is invincible. All the high school students dream of making the team and it is just the right time for the selection of the players for the next season. Ricky and Tony decide to participate in the selection, but there are 26 boys who want to make the team and only 12 can make it. On the day of the selection, when they arrive at school, they find a note with a threat in Ricki's locker. It says that if the boys are going to participate in the selections, something terrible will happen. They consider it a cruel joke. After school, they check their e-mails and read two more threatening e-mails that come from an address with the name of Caper, but they don't know anyone by that name. Despite the threats, the boys dare to train. The next day, Ricky and Tony go to look at the rosters and see that they are on the basketball team and are incredibly happy. That day after class, a red car suddenly drives up and runs over Ricky, no one could see who the person in the car was. Ricky was taken to the hospital because his leg was in a lot of pain. He had to have a cast and couldn't play basketball for a long time. After the accident, Tony gets an e-mail from Caper saying that he would be next. So Ricky, Tony and his two other friends come up with a plan to find the person who wants to hurt them and then they could be able to tell the police about what had happened…

Personal Opinion

I really liked the book because the story it tells is entertaining. The story was a little sad, but in the end everything becomes clear and has a happy ending. I don't understand how there can be people who are so envious and act in such a violent way. I would recommend the book to anyone and mainly to teenagers who like basketball.

Student's name
Sara Elzaurdi

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