2022(e)ko azaroaren 22(a), asteartea

GHOST STORIES- Rosemary Border


This book consists of six stories.
The first one was on Christmas Eve and Tony Jackson was having a good dinner with all of his friends. When they finished the dinner, someone suggested playing Hide and Seek. Everybody agreed, except for Tony. Tony told them that ten years ago, a girl who was playing Hide and Seek died when she was going to hide in a room. When she opened the door and entered, she fell down the stairs and died immediately. Some years ago, while he was playing Smee with some friends in that house, strange things happened. They felt that someone else was there, the ghost of that girl.
In the second story John was studying for an important examination, so he decided to rent a house. He found a quiet place and there was a big, old house, where a cruel judge used to live. While he was there he felt something strange, it was the judge´s ghost and he hung John as he used to do with his victims.
In the third one, Giles was spending a short holiday in Wales. There he went to the mountains and as there was a lot of mist, he got lost. Fortunately, a man gave him a map. Finally, a friend helped him to find the right way. That friend told him that there used to live a man on the top of the mountains and that he usually helped lost people. In that moment, he realised that the person he saw was the ghost of that man, that explained why the map was so old.
In the fourth story, Charles Linkworth killed his mother and buried her body in the garden. Nobody knew where she was until the police found her body, they arrested Charles and condemned him to death. In prison, after he was executed, the chaplain and a doctor had a strange feeling. They decided to go to his house and Charles appeared dead with a horrible face and then disappeared.
In the fifth story, James Murray was walking along the mountains of the north of England when it started to snow a lot. He got lost when he was very far from his house. Fortunately, he found a man who took him to the house of his master. The master told James that he could return to his house by taking a coach. He told him that he must be cautious because in the way, the wall of the accident that had happened 20 years ago. Then in the coach, the pasageers looked as if they were dead. After this, James woke up in his bed with his wife, who explained to him that he fell down the road because the wall was broken.

Personal opinion
I enjoyed the first four stories as they were quite interesting, but none of the stories scared me at all. In my opinion, the scariest one was the first one, because it was the most realistic. And I had difficulties at understanding the last story, it did not make sense to me.

Author of the review
Naroa Larrañaga Ramos

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