2023(e)ko urtarrilaren 20(a), ostirala


Janet and her family move to Toronto from Calgary because of her dad's job. They have to stay some days at aunt Sue's house until they have their house finished. Janet wants to have a job because she has achieved a lifeguard certificate, so she decides to go to a sports centre. There she is told that they can't pay another salary, so she is proposed to be a volunteer.

Her cousin Kevin, a difficult teenager, is supposed to go to a summer school to study maths, but Janet finds out that he is working in a motorcycle shop. Due to the concern of him repeating a year at school, she decides to stop volunteering to help him with maths while he is working. One day, Kevin tells Janet to wait at the shop while he is buying a new maths book. But, while she is alone, someone steals a motorbike. The boy who stole the motorcycle was a friend of Kevin, who had threatened to commit the robbery. Finally, the police decided to punish Kevin for doing social work.

I think that it is a good book to read because there is mystery and you always want to read more. In addition, it is easy to read.

I would recommend this book because it tells a story of a rebel boy that makes something wrong just because of how he feels at home, so it may be useful to open our eyes and be more considerate.

Irene Gaztañaga

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