2023(e)ko otsailaren 7(a), asteartea

GHOST STORIES- Rosemary Border


This book is divided in five stories: 

The first story is set at christmas eve, in this story someone suggests playing hide and seek and tony, who was the mamin character, refused to play due to a story he had heard about it, this story is full of very strange and misterious events

The second story is called the judges house it is located in a small town Benchurch. The main character, whose name was John, was studying and he wanted to find a relaxing to study peacefully. He found this town and he rented a house there. This house used to be a judges house and this judge was believed to be aggressive. When john started living there, he felt something strange, as if there was a ghost living there with him.

The third story is about a man called Giles, who was on vacation in Wales. He decided to go on a trip to the mountain. He wasn't familiar with those mountains, so as expected, he got lost, he was very nervous. After being waiting for a long time, a man showed up, he was rare but he gave Giles a map, that man saved him. A friend he helped him his way out. This friend told him a story about a man who used to help lost people in the top of the mountain. Giles realized he didn't bump into a real man, he saw a ghost.

In the fourth story, a man called Charles killed his mother and buried her. The police found her body and after investigating, charles was arrested and sentenced to death. After finally being executed, some people still had the feeling of him being there.

In the fifth story, a guy named James was hiking in the north of England when it started to snow a lot. As expected, he got lost. A man found James and took him to a house, where another man told him that he could go back home by taking a carriage. This man, known as the master, told him to be very careful. After travelling in this carriage, James woke up with his wife next to him.


The book is grat but I sometimes found the stories difficult to understand. These stories are a little bit unreal, but the book is called "the ghost stories" so I wasn't expecting any less. It made me think about ghosts, a lot of people believe in ghosts, What about you, do you believe in ghosts?


Maialen Bereziartua


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