2023(e)ko apirilaren 18(a), asteartea


SYNOPSIS: Troy Phelan, a billionaire old man, has written numerous wills during his life but just before committing suicide by jumping from a balcony, leaves as a final surprise a testament as last wish. In this document, he bequeaths his entire fortune to an illegitimate daughter, Rachel Lane, instead of his six children. Rachel’s existence is a surprise to everyone. That final decision was the result of several years of struggle against the selfish attitudes of his family. His lawyers want to find the heiress and lawyer Nate O'Riley is sent to Brazil where Rachel lives as a missionary. Nate finds Rachel but she rejects the legacy and everything related to it. While Nate tries to convince Rachel, Troy’s family does everything they can to invalidate the testament. They argue that by signing it, he was not in his right mind, even though he was examined by three psychiatrists and they eventually decide not to contest. To close the case, Nate agrees that each of Troy’s family members receive $50 million. When this judicial stage ends, Nate returns to the jungle to obtain Rachel’s signature but he realizes that she has died of malaria and she has left instructions that the money be deposited in an assistance fund for indigenous peoples under Nate’s control.

PERSONAL OPINION: I found this book very interesting and entertaining. I really liked the uncertainty of not knowing who got the inheritance, and I was very happy to know that in the end Troy’s legitimate family did not receive it. In addition, the book is very easy to read and as it is a mystery book, it is entertaining indeed.

AUTHOR: Eider Aseginolaza


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