2023(e)ko maiatzaren 30(a), asteartea

Nelson Mandela-Carl W Hart


SYNOPSIS: The Dutch were the first European to live in South Africa. They stopped in Cape of Good Hope for fresh food and water. In 1800s the British took over the Cape from the Dutch. The British liked the warm weather and the good land for farming, but the Boers weren't happy because the British had a different language and different ideas. Boers gathered their sloves, cattles and sheep and moved north to escape from British. During the journey, the Boers fought many battles with the African tribes. In 1912, th ANC was created to help black people, but the British goverment won and blacks were no longer free to travel in their own land. They had no running water telephonees or electricity, this was where Nelson Mandela was born. Gadla was a respected man from an important family. He was the chief of the village of Muezo Gadla was a troublemarker. He was the father of Nelson Mandela. Buti(Nelson) was inteligent and his father decided to let him go to the local school. His teacher was a white person and she couldn't pronounce African names so she gave him a new name, that was "Nelson". Nelson didn't like his new name but he liked his school. Gadla's health was not goos so he asked King Tongintabu to look after Nelson And make sure he continued his education. When Nelson was ten, his father died. Nelson packed his little case and said goodbye to his family. He was going to Mqhekezwei, the capital of Thembuland. Nelson missed his mother and sister, but he was happy in his new home. Nelson went to the best colleges and studied hard. One day the King told Nelson that was the time to get married. The King chose a wife for Nelson and paid the usual bride price, but Nelson refused the King's order and he decided to leave the house. Mandela began to make new friends but soon lost his job at the goldmine. In 1943 he bagn studying law at the University of the Witwaterstand. Mandela was working for Lazer Sidelski while he was studying. Mandela joined the ANC in 1944. He became an important person in ANC. Mandela and ANC people made rules and allowed black people to do everythung that they wanted in their land. He bacame the precident of Southe Africa. At the age of 85 Nelson Mandela retired.(He was married with Evelyn and they had children.)

PERSONAL OPINION: I really liked the book. It is very interesting and I recomend it.

AUTHOR: Elisa Bozonca

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