A boy named Richard, had a purple Suzuki 500 motorbike that he adored. On his birthday someone stole it, so he and his girlfriend, Alison, started searching for it with the evidence that they found. That same day, a robbery at a jewelry store was reported in the newspaper, and by coincidence, Richard was arrested for an armed robbery he didn't commit. He only had Alisons and a friend's help. They'll do whatever it takes to get Richard out of jail.
In my opinion, it's an entertaining book that you can read quickly and easily. The chapters are very short and It has pictures to better understand the story. In addition, while you are reading it, you can see some words in bold. This is because at the end of the book, you can find a glossary with the translations in several languages, like, spanish, catalan, basque and galician. Furthermore, before the glossary, there are several questions for each chapter to help review.
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