2020(e)ko abenduaren 14(a), astelehena

The Gift Of the Magi- O. HENRY



On Christmas Eve, Della Young discovers that she has only $1.87 to buy a present for her husband Jim. She visits the nearby shop of a hairdresser, Madame Sofronie, who buys Della's long hair for $20. When Jim comes home from work that evening, Della admits to him that she sold her hair to buy him the chain. Jim gives Della her present-- a set of ornamental combs, which she will be unable to use until her hair grows back out. Della gives Jim the watch chain, and he tells her that he sold the watch to buy the combs.. The story ends with the narrator comparing these sacrificial gifts of love with those of the biblical Magi.

Personal opinion:

I didn’t like this short book because it was difficult for me to understand.

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