2020(e)ko abenduaren 13(a), igandea

The Burglar’s Christmas- Elizabeth L. Seymour



In Chicago on Christmas Eve, two shabby-looking men are considering getting food after they have not been eating for days. Crawford is too tired to walk however, so the other homeless person goes off by himself. Crawford considers stealing the food as he cannot pay for it, but when a woman drops a parcel he gives it to her instead of running off with it. He feels as if he is a failed thief, in the same manner as he has failed at everything (college, journalism, real estate, performing). Then, he walks into a house in an attempt to steal the jewellery, and his mother finds him there. She says she forgives him for everything; his father remains distant. They have dinner and he feels warm again.

Personal opinion: 

In our opinion, the book is interesting but also very difficult to understand.
The book teaches us that the family is very important and you don't have to abandon them. It also teaches that stealing is not appropiate.

Students' name:
Irati, Shara, Damaris, Ainhoa and Marina

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