2021(e)ko martxoaren 14(a), igandea

Danger at Shark Rock-Pauline Francis



Jenny McDonald LiveFonts in Manchester, a city in the north of England. Her parents had to work all summer in their restaurant, so finally Jenny has to spend the summer holidays with her grandfather in Scotland, Kirk Island. When she arrived, she met Alex, who helped her grandfather to paint his boat. One day, when she went alone for a walk she heard a woman called Helen and a man called Guy speaking on the phone and they said that they were meeting on the Kilkir Museum. So Jenny and her grandfather went to the museum and in the café Jenny overhead Guy and Helen saying they were going to steal the Shark Rock’s uranium. That night, Guy came to have dinner with them. When Guy went out of the house Jenny look him throughthe window and she san that he stopped behind a tree. Jenny told everything to Alex. At 11 o’clock, Helen and Guy took the boat and they went towards the Shark Rock. Alex and Jenny took another boat and they went following them. They saw that Helen left Guy in the sea so Alex and Jenny helped Guy and they went to the shore. There, Guy told them that Helen was one of the smugglers. They went to tell what had happened to grandfather and they all went to the sea to catch Helen. Finally, they managed to capture her and they told everything to the police. The next day, Alex went to grandfather’s house and they saw that they appeared in the newspaper, so at the end Jenny could tell to their friends how she spent that interesting summer.

Personal Opinion

In my opinion, it has been easy to understand this book. I like this story about Jenny because it shows us how we shouldn’t trust someone that we don’t know very much and in case you suspect someone, you should investigate him and don’t let it be. I recommend it to those people who like robbery and investigation stories.

Student's name

Sara Elzaurdi

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