2021(e)ko martxoaren 15(a), astelehena

My Lady, Anne Boleyn-Heather Caldwell

Weg was the servant and only friend of Anne Boleyn. When they were children they were in various places working. 8 years later, when she was a young woman, her father told her to marry James Butler, but finally managed not to marry him, as she didn’t want him . She had a love that was promised, but it wasn’t celebrated, due to the fact that Wolsey didn’t want to. After a while, Anne and King Henry VIII fell in love with each other, Henry was the husband of Queen Catherine of Aragon, and the lover of Anne's sister. It was a long time until Henry separated from Catherine and Anne became pregnant, however she wasn’t welcome from the town. They got a lot of riches, but they couldn’t have a male child, and Henry was furious. She discovered that a king’s love comes and goes, and finally the King decided to kill Anne and her brother George.

Personal Opinion

I personally didn’t like the book, sometimes it hasn’t been easy to understand, and it has been heavy for me.

Student's name
Alai Beloki

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