2021(e)ko apirilaren 14(a), asteazkena

THE Lost World-Sr Arthur Conan Doyle


Ned said that Gladys Hungerton was made for love. They were good friends and Ned decided to ask him something. Suddenly Gladys got up and told him not to ask him to marry her. Gladys asked him if he didn't think that they were fine as good friends. Ned said that he wanted more than that. Then, Gladys replied that she loved another man. Ned went to work to the office. He asked Mr McArdle, the news editor, if he could send him somewhere where there was a lot adventure and danger. After thinking a bit, he told him to visit Professor Challenger, the famous zoologist. Ned went to visit the Professor. The Professor told him his story of the adventure in South America for the news paper. A week later he was sailing across the Atlantic Ocean and they arrived in Brazil. They had many adventures and they also solved a lot of mysteries. When Ned arrived home he went to visit Gladys. Gladys was with her husband but she left him because he worked in a bank. So, he told Ned if he had done something dangerous in his adventure. Ned told her everything. Gladys told Ned that they still couldn't get married so that first she has to go with him on an adventure.

Personal Opinion

I think that the book is interesting and very entertaining because it tells a dangerous and adventurous story.

Student's name
Nagore Irazustabarrena

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