2021(e)ko apirilaren 15(a), osteguna

The Norwood Mystery-Arthur Conan Doyle



One day, Sherlock Holmes is having breakfast with Dr Watson when a young man, McFarlane, runs to them. He is very nervous because a builder has been killed at Norwood and the police accuses him of this murder but the young man says that he is innocent so Sherlock Holmes and Watson decide to investigate. The builder had disappeared and there was a fire in his house's timber-yard. The police finds some burnt remains and think that they are the builder's body. But Sherlock Holmes doesn't give up and finally he discovers that everything has been a revenge. The builder was in love with Mcfarlane's mother but she got married to another man so he decided to get revenge by accusing her son of his own death although he was alive. The police arrests the builder and McFarlane was free.

Personal Opinion

I really liked the book because it is about mysteries, crimes, investigations... I have always loved this kind of books. In addition, it has a very beautiful ending because the boy who was put in prison is innocent and Sherlock Holmes gets to show it to the police after a lot of work. I think that the goal of this book is to teach not to give up and fight to save a person who is innocent.

Student's name
Irati Beriain

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