2021(e)ko apirilaren 13(a), asteartea

Treasure Island-Robert Louis Stevenson



One day,  captain Flint, was very ill, and the doctor said: “put the captain in his bed”. When the captain was better, he got up from  bed, but when he was with Jim Hawkins, he felt bad and he died. Jim Hawkins, went with his mother, but nobody helped them. Jim Hawkins and his mother went to take money from the captain, but seven pirates were looking where the captain had the money. Jim Hawkins and his mother went behind a tree without money. The pirates found the money. Everybody wanted to go to the treasure island. Jim listened to some enemies, they wanted to kill them all. When the pirates realized that their plans had been discovered, they attacked the captain. Finally, they started to  look for the treasure, but the treasure wasn’t where they thought that it was. Jim Hawkins defended himself with a gun and he killed one of the pirates. Then, Jim and his friends won. The treasure was in the cave of the doctor. Everybody went to the cave of the doctor. In the morning, they discovered that a part of the treasure had fade out. Everybody returned home.

Personal Opinion

The story is amazing. I like it, because it is beautiful! I didn’t like the end much, but the story is interesting. It is quite long for me, because I don't read very well in English. The language is more or less easy to understand, but there are some words that I don’t understand. For me, It is quite enjoyable, but also  a little bit  difficult .

Student's name
Mara Arnedo

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