2021(e)ko irailaren 23(a), osteguna

Persuasion-Jane Austen


Anne Elliot was a member of a well-known family in England. She lived with her father and two sisters as her mother had passed away. Some years before, knowing that Sir Elliot, Anne's father, cared more about social status than her daughters, Anne's mother left Lady Russel in charge of taking care of her three daughters. At the age of nineteen Anne fell in love with a young man whose lack of money and social status didn't make him a candidate to marry Anne in Lady Russels eyes. Anne was never able to get over the break up with Frederick Wenthworth but she had learned how to live with that pain. When eight years later Frederick returned, wealthy and successful, she tried to avoid him. He seemed to have forgotten his feelings towards Anne and tried to find a proper wife in one of the two Musgrove girls, who were clearly obsessed with the captain. At the same time, Mr Elliot, Anne's cousin, tried to persuade Anne to marry him but after some dark secrets from his past were revealed, the trial ended up in failure. Actually, Frederick was still in love with Anne but his pride didn't let him confess the truth. Both lovers ended up egaged, and this time with the approval of her family.

Personal Opinion

This book is really entertaining and you can learn a lot of things from it. For example you get to know how society worked in England on the nineteenth century and how unfairly women got treated, not even having the power to decide who they wanted to marry. You can also see how important it is to have critical thinking and take decisions based on what you want.

Student's name

Elbereth Fernandez

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