2021(e)ko urriaren 28(a), osteguna

Taste and Other Tales-Roald Dahl



All the stories in Taste and Other Tales have a wonderfully inventive story line. In this collection of Roald Dahl's finest stories we meet some quite ordinary people who behave in extraordinary ways, they often have a dark and cruel side to their nature. There is a man who is sure he can hear plants scream and the wife who discovers a perfect way to get rid of her husband. And there's a woman who finds an unusual use for a leg of lamb. If you want to know more about the book you only have to read it!

Personal Opinion

Personally, I think that the stories are so unreal and that they could be more realistic. But it is true, that some of them are so special. The one I like most, is the last one, which is titled "Poison". Poison is a tense story of Harry Pope, a man in bed who says he has a poisonous snake laying on his stomach. His friend phones the doctor, not knowing very well what else to do. While waiting to the doctor, he takes a knife, ready to cut Harry's skin and suck out the poison if he gets bitten. When Dr Ganderbai arrives, he gives Harry some serum and then puts clhoroform into the bed to put the snake to sleep. After couple of hours, they believe it is safe to pull the bed sheets back, Harry jumps up but there is no snake. Has the snake ever been there? Has Harry invented it?

Student's name

Iratxe Usabiaga Lasa

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