2021(e)ko urriaren 27(a), asteazkena

The Joy Luck Club-Amy Tan


This novel tells the story of four Chinese immigrant mothers and their daughters who were born in San Francisco. The difficulty with cultural identity and complex subling relationships are shown very well. One of the mothers, Suyuan, founded "The Joy Luck Club" (that's why the title of the novel) while she was in China, to lift uup her friends' spirits during war time. They used to meet to play, eat food... When she moves to San Francisco, in order to promote Chinese culture, she starts with this club again. The other Chinise women join the club: An-Mei Hsu, Linda Jong and Ying- Yng St Clair. The four women are the same age, and so are their four daughters, who grew up in the same neighborhood. Jing-Mei, Suyuan Woo's daughter, makes a trip to China so that she meets her two half sisters, who remained im China because their mother was obliged to abandon them during the war. Suyuan tried to return to China to find her daughters, but she didn't locate them before dying. Therefore, Jing- Mei takes her mother's place in the club, and the three other women organise the trip to China to help Jing-Mei find her half sisters.

Personal Opinion

I believe that it's a very interesting story. We can see how the characters have different emotions because of the situations they are going through. Also, we are able to understand the Chinese culture deeply, and see how different cultures, American and Chinese in this situation, can be united and make us understand that when you were born in a family where the culture is completly different to the one that surrounds you outside, you can live appreciating both.

Student's name
Daniela Berciuc

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