2021(e)ko urriaren 24(a), igandea

Motorcycle Mystery-Sandra Sherwood


Jane and her family were born in Toronto, but due to her father's work when Janet was 7 years old they moved to Calgary, a city in Canada. Today, they are traveling back to Toronto, for the same reason as last time. Janet's family was formed by her mum, her dad and a brother, whose name was Stevie. Stevie was younger than Janet, he was exactly 11 years old and Janet 16. As they hadn’t got their own house fully prepared in Toronto, they stayed in aunt Sue’s family house. Sue’s aunt's son was Kevin, and he was one year older than Janet. He has to prepare for the maths exam to finish the last high school year, but his dad didn't think he was very clever, so he sent him to a scholar summer class, in order to study for the exam. They usually have a lot of anger at home, because Kevin doesn't study to make his father angry. This happens since one day when he was a child he heard his father talking with his mother about not having another child, because it would be difficult for them to have to deal with two silly children. Janet was reaching for a summer job, but it’s a little bit complicated at this time of year, because the summer has just started. She has found a voluntary job. This year she won’t earn any money but they give her a free entry to the gym and it’s an opportunity to learn for next summer. She has a job helping another instructor teaching children to swim. She has a good relationship with the other instructor but the first night that they both went together to a disco with other friends, Janet was angry with Melissa because they were drunk and Janet didn’t want to come back home driving in that state. Finally, she phoned her cousin, Kevin, and asked him to pay for a taxi for her. He did it and when Janet entered home, she saw that her cousin had organized a party. Next day, both of them agreed not to say anything to their parents. One day, Janet was walking around the town and she saw Kevin in a motorcycle shop instead of being in class as everyone in the family thought he was. Janet promised him that she would not say anything to his parents but he had to take maths classes with her, she wanted to help him pass the exam. To do this, Janet had to lie to her parents. They would think she was working teaching to swim but she would be teaching maths to her cousin. One day, when Janet arrived at the shop, Kevin said that he had to go to buy new books to a shop, so he left the store in Janet's hand. At that time, a thief went into the store and stole a motorcycle. Janet was so frightened that she phoned the police. As Kevin and Janet were minors the police told them they had to contact their parents. They didn't want to do it but there was no other chance. The police found the thief, whose name was Gary. Gary drove the motorcycle in such a great velocity when the police were after him that suddenly, he hit a tree. He had to be taken to hospital. The police took Janet and Kevin to hospital to make sure he had been the thief. When they were there, Gary called Kevin by name without anyone having introduced them, so the police began to suspect Kevin as well. Kevin asked for the toilet and then he ran away from the hospital. Janet located Kevin at a girlfriend's house and they convinced him to come back and tell the whole truth. Finally, everything was cleared up Kevin and Janet had nothing to do with the robbery, but since Kevin had allowed it, he would have to do a series of community works. Janet continued teaching Kevin maths but this time everyone in the family knew about it. The police also suggested Kevin and his parents talked about feelings in order to help them to build a healthy family relationship.
Personal Opinion

The story tells us about controversial day-to-day actions, which can happen in our lifes and I think that give us the opportunity to reflect about how you act if you were in those circumstances. On the other hand, I recommend it to teenagers, because it's entertaining to read and also because it's not to complicated to read. But at the same time, it has a lot of new words, at least for me. So it´s good to get used to new vocabulary.

Student's name
Paula Elzaurdi

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