2021(e)ko urriaren 18(a), astelehena

Vanity fair-William Makepeace Thackeray


Two girls graduated after finishing school. Becky Sharp is a daughter of an alcoholic art teacher. Amelia Sedley is the daughter of a wealthy middles-class investor. Due to their diffrent lessons about the world. Becky already knows that she needs to be completely self-sufficient to start any part of her life, and Amelia knows that she will always be protected and therefore can remain a passive person. Becky id destined to be a tutor, but before she begins her work Amelia brings her home to spend a few days with the Cedley household. When Becky discovers that Amelia has an older brother in India, she decides to try to persude him to marry her. Joe Sedley is another matter though: fat. vanity, shy around girls and overall a good personality.

Personal Opinion

It's true that we don't all have the same conditions of life. We don't decide where to be born and we don't know how our childhood will be like. But what we can decide is how to live when we have the power of the ability to support ourselves and have a job to get out. According to the book, this situation happens to these two girls and it happens in many places. So, yes, I would recommend this book to understand all type of lifestyles.

Student's name

Maialen Mendizabal

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