2022(e)ko urtarrilaren 25(a), asteartea

A Kiss Before Dying-Ira Levin



Bud Corliss is beautiful, intelligent and immoral. His goal is to be incredibly rich at any price, and when Dorothy Kinship falls in love with him, he thinks he has found a solution to his quest: Dorothy is the daughter of a wealthy and important industrialist. But when Dorothy confesses to him that she's pregnant, Bud realizes that his heartless father won't like her, and decides to change his plans. He kills Dorothy and kills himself. A few weeks later, Ellen Kingship will go to the university where her sister Dorothy studied to find out about her death. Though the sisters have always been far away from each other, Ellen does not understand how Dorothy could have killed herself a few days after she sent a letter, where she was on the point of giving her joy and wonderful news.

Personal Opinion

Personally, I think it is a very interesting book. The novel is full of suspense, which makes it more attractive to the public. In the same way, it seems to me that this story is like reality, because I believe it is very common in this world to make use of a person. On the whole, I would recommend this novel to anyone.

Student's name

Xuban De Prado

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