2022(e)ko urtarrilaren 16(a), igandea

Motorcycle Mistery-Sandra Sherwood



Janet and his family moved from Calgary to Toronto, but as their house wasn’t ready yet they stayed at Aunt Sue’s house for three weeks. His cousin Kevin was a difficult teenager to get along with and was always fighting with his dad. In addition, instead of going to the summer school he had to go in order to pass the exam that would lead him not to repeat the grade, he worked in a motorcycle shop without anyone knowing it. Janet went to the sport centre to get a job as a lifeguard, but when she arrived there, she was told that her position had been given to someone else. She also was offered to do volunteer work in exchange for having free access to all their facilities. Janet saw this like the perfect opportunity to make friends. There, she met Melissa. She and Mellissa met up at Downsview and on the way there, she saw his cousin in a store window and they made an agreement. She wouldn’t tell her parents anything and in exchange, he would have to do his Maths work. One day, Janet was left alone at the store and a friend of Kevin’s came in and stole a motorcycle. Janet immediately called the police and the investigation began. Kevin for being a forced accomplice, since he was forced by his friend, had to do some kind of community service and go to therapy to solve all the problems he had with his dad.

Personal Opinion

From my point of view, the plot was very entertaining, as I didn’t feel bored from the first moment I was reading. I really recommend this book.

Student's name
Natale Oria Nazabal

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