2022(e)ko urtarrilaren 14(a), ostirala

The Moonstone-Wilkie Collins


The moonstone, an immense yellow diamond which stood in a Hindu temple in an Indian city, was used in Hindu religious rituals and three Indian Hindu priests guarded it, night and day. One day, a lot of years ago, English soldiers began to attack Hindu temples of worship and in one of the attacks coronel Herncastle murdered the three priests and took the diamond with him. Before Herncastle died, he asked Franklin (Rachel one`s cousin) to give Rachel the Moonstone as her 18th birthday present. Franklin went to Rachel's house a month before the party and both fell in love during those days. Franklin gave Rachel the present the day before, so she could wear it the day of her party. Her cousin Godfrey was also interested in her, but Rachel refused him. At the party Rachel fixed the diamond on her white dress and everyone at the party admired its size and beauty. During the party three Indian jugglers were seen at the glass doors to the terrace. They were afraid of the diamond and at the end of the party they didn’t know where to put the diamond. At the end, Rachel decided to keep it in the cabinet in her sitting room. The next morning the diamond was not in its place. Rachel was very upset. They sent a message to a Superintendent asking him to come to investigate immediately. He was suspicious of Rachel because she had been acting strangely since the Diamond disappeared. After days of investigation, they managed to find out what happened, someone put opium in Franklin's drink, he took the diamond under the effects of the opium, that is, he didn't know he was doing it and, he gave it to Godfrey. Godfrey took it to a bank for safekeeping and when he picked it up three Indians chased him, killed him, and took the diamond with them. They realised that it was Godfrey who stole the diamond because he needed money to pay his debts. The three Indians disappeared with the diamond, Franklin and Rachel got married and were expecting a baby and one day they found out that the diamond had been returned to the Indians to the same place where it had disappeared 8 centuries before.

Personal Opinion

In my opinion, this book is a very interesting detective novel. A little bit difficult to read because it has a large number of characters and it made me have to read some chapters more than once. I liked it a lot because it is intriguing until the end. I recommend it to anyone who likes detective novels.

Student's name
Paula Elzaurdi

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