2022(e)ko otsailaren 16(a), asteazkena

A foreigner in New York-Ramón Ybarra Rubio


Antonio is a Spanish young man who likes traveling and has always wanted to see New York. A foreigner in New York tells how he finally could go there and made ​​some visits to the city. You can read about his impressions about some tourist routes, famous places, such as The Empire State. Also, the main character explains to us his impressions about his interesting group of friends in which he meets Elaine, a special person.

Personal Opinion

For me, it is a good book that provides a lot of information about New York and is also entertaining. This kind of book is very interesting if you want to visit New York or if you like traveling. I recommend this book to anyone who likes travelling.

Student's name

Jon Villafranca

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