2022(e)ko otsailaren 14(a), astelehena

A foreigner in New York-Ramón Ybarra


Jason is a young boy who studied at Salamanca’s University with Antonio. He studied theatre. Antonio is a young boy who likes travelling around the world. He studied journalism and English and now he is working for a travel magazine, where he writes different articles about his travels. Both are friends. Jason lives in New York and Antonio went there to visit him and celebrate New Year’s Eve. Antonio met George on the flight, and then, they went in George’s limousine to Jason’s house. The next day, Antonio met Elaine who is Jason’s friend, and she asked if they wanted to go with her and her friends to dinner, and he said yes. The next day, while they were eating, Antonio met all of Jason’s friends and Elaine suggested going to see the Statue of Liberty and other places together. Later, they took the ferry and went to Ellis Island. When they arrived, they went to the Empire State Building and they went upstairs to see the views and saw Central Park, Brooklyn and more places. The next day, Antonio had the flight to return to Spain. Before leaving, he went to see Elaine and she gave a photo of them together. A few months later, Jason told Antonio he was in a show and he had to go to New York to see him. Antonio proposed to his director to write an article for the city of New York in the summer. And a few days later, he arrived in New York.

Personal Opinion

With this book I have learned about different places in New York. I have never been there, but with this book, I have felt like going to visit one day. I would recommend it to my friends as they like to travel and it's a lot of fun. I also realised if you have good friends and there is confidence, you can meet new people and visit different places where your friends live.

Student's name
Maialen Mendizabal

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