2022(e)ko martxoaren 16(a), asteazkena

Heartstopper (Volume 4)-Alice Oseman



In this volume of Hearts to Pper we get to explore and follow Charlie's, one of the protagonist's, mental health journey and illness. Charlie suffers from an eating disorder, anorexia, and with the encouragement of his boyfriend Nick, another protagonist, is able to finally admit that he needs help, and he tells about his disorder to his parents. Also, their relationship becomes stronger since Charlie makes Nick know that he loves him, and Nick tells his dad about their relationship. Due to the anorexia, Charlie is sent to a hospital for 7 weeks in order to recover, and during this time, Nick visits him as much as possible. After getting out, Charlie goes back home, and during this period, he struggles with the eating disorder. Moreover, Nick is reminded that he can't "fix" Charlie, but that his support is very important, and also to give him space when the situation gets difficult.

Personal Opinion

I believe that this book can be very enriching for two main reasons. On the one hand, it is the first book I read about an homosexual relationship, and it can be very beneficial for those who are not used to them. Unfortunately, there are many people who still believe that hanging out with someone of the same sex is akward, and perhaps making them read this type of books can make them change their minds. Furthermore, for young people it can also be helpful in order to get rid of the homophobia that still exists in our society by making them know that it is as normal as having an heterosexual relationship. On the other hand, as an eating disordes is told in the story, readers can realise about the importance of communication with people we love. At the beginnig, Charlie is scared to tell his mum he is not okay, but with Nick's support, he makes her know about the situation. Here comes the importance of love and having someone by our side that is there for every situation, since Charlie and Nick's relationship is very healthy (a very important fact in favour, because I am fed up with the typical toxic love stories.) Communication is one of the most important actions which in a lot of situatoins can help us stop things from becoming worse, such as an eating disorder.

Student's name
Daniela Berciuc

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