2022(e)ko martxoaren 16(a), asteazkena

The Phantom of the Opera-Jennifer Bassett



Annie Sorelli, an Opera House’s dancer, entered the room and told the rest of the dancers that she had seen the Opera ghost. Most of the other girls were afraid but one of them said that there wasn’t any ghost. The girls started talking about the ghost and little Meg Giry told them not to talk about him as he doesn’t like it. She explained that her mum was the doorkeeper for some of the boxes in the Opera House and that Box 5 was the ghost’s box. Her mum sometimes spoke with the ghost. Some days ago, Joseph Buquet was found dead with a rope around his neck. Madame Giry, Meg’s mother, said that that was for speaking about the ghost. The Opera House changed the directors and the new ones didn’t believe that there was a ghost. They received a card telling them not to sell tickets for Box 5 and asking for 20,000 francs a month. That night La Carlotta was supposed to sing Margarita but she was ill so Christine Daaé did it. Everyone was open-mouthed, especially Raoul, the Vicomte de Chagny, who was in love with her. The ghost told the directors that from then on Christine Daaé had to sing that song. They didn’t fulfill what they were asked so some tragedies happened, such as, La Carlota’s performance was awful or the chandelier fell down and a woman was killed. So then on, the directors did what the ghost said. Meanwhile, Daaé and Raoul were planning to get married but Daaé told him that she couldn’t as the ghost told her that if she didn’t marry him, he would kill Raoul. Raoul told Daaé that after her performance they were going away, but when it finished the lights turned off and suddenly Daaé disappeared. Raoul went to the ghost’s house with the help of a man called Persian. That man knew everything about the ghost but he made a mistake and entered the torture room. The ghost wasn’t a ghost, it was a very ugly man called Eric. He started torturing the two men in the room and telling Daaé why he did all those things. He told her that he was so ugly that nobody loved her, not even his mother. Daaé was sorry about him so she kissed him. He was so happy that she had kissed him without him saying anything that he stopped torturing the two men and let them going away, then he committed suicide. Nobody ever got to know anything about the couple.

Personal Opinion

I really enjoyed reading this book. As you read it, you become more interested in it and you are all the time intrigued by what is going to happen next.

Student's name
Elene Sarasola

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