2022(e)ko martxoaren 30(a), asteazkena

Nelson Mandela-Carl W Hart



Nelson Mandela was born on 18 July 1918 in Mvezo, South Africa in a remote village and died on 5th December 2013 in Houghton.He was an anti-apartheid activist, politician and philanthropist who served as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999. Mandela is considered the most fighting person for the rights of blacks since he has spent much of his life fighting so that people of his same race had the same rights as the rest of the population. The National Party accused Mandela of treason and sabotage of the government. Because of this, the protagonist of our book spent twenty-seven years in prison in Robben Island. Mandela was the first black president of South Africa and after a very hard struggle he achieved his goal which was to reconcile blacks and whites. In 1993 he received the Nobel Peace Prize. But this book also shows the contradictions of Mandela himself in the form of drama in five acts: in the first he is «the African brother of Antigone», conscious of having to break the law of the State one day in pursuit of a higher duty; in the second he is Spartacus, the slave who leads the rebellion against the powerful; in the third he is a Prometheus, bound by the chains of racism; in the fourth he is the Prospero of Shakespeare’s Tempest, the benefactor of humanity who puts an end to the wickedness of Caliban; in the fifth he is the «King Nelson», the sovereign sage.

Personal Opinion

I loved this book, because I knew almost nothing about what Nelson Mandela did, it is true that I knew some things since I had heard them on television or from a family member. I would definitely recommend this book because apart from the fact that it is read very quickly, it gives you the opportunity to know about things like the hard situations that ancestors have had to live through and everything that they have had to struggle to pull those situations forward.

Student's name
Yara Rostro

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