2022(e)ko martxoaren 26(a), larunbata

White Fang-Jack London


The book called White Fang talks about a young wolf and his backbreaking life. He is born in a four wolf pack in which, suddenly, he is the only one who abides hunger. His father dies in a fight and his mother and him are adopted by a group of indigenous. During his stay with those people, he manages to tackle the leader of the wolves living there. Thus, he becomes antisocial and aggressive. After that, he meets Smith, a man who organises dog fights, and he is forced to work with him because he is so good. In the last attempt, when he is about to die against one of the best dogs, a wealthy man purchases him and he survives. Weedom Scott, the new owner of White Fang, tries to educate the poor wolf, even if the bad behaviour of the young animal at the beginning blocks his attempt, he manages to transform the wolf. Finally, White Fang ends up having puppies with a dog Scott has and with whom he had fought when he met her for the first time.

Personal Opinion

For me, this book is the perfect illustration of willpower and improvement. As you go through the pages, you can feel identified with the wolf, even if it is on a small scale, and that makes you think that if you are determined, you can achieve everything you want or, at least, progress in anything you set out. I really enjoyed reading this book and I would recommend it to those people who are able to think further and apply what they read to real life.

Student's name
Enara Nazabal

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