2022(e)ko apirilaren 29(a), ostirala

My left foot-Christy Brown



"My Left Foot" is a true history based on the life of Irish author Christy Brown. The story is told from his perspective through flashbacks and in first person. Christy Brown was born eith cerebral palsy on June 5 of 1932 in Dublin, Ireland on a big poor Irish family. Christy had cerebral palsy, but he had a brillant imaginative and sensitive mind. In this book Christy shows that with perseverance you can always overcome the most severe challenges in life. He shares how his condition affected his physical and emotional development. Even the simplest task was an obstacle for Christy. Though Christy had to face severe challenges, he never gave up on trying and whith his perseverance and determination led him to be one of the greatest Irish writers.

Personal Opinion

In my opinion, I think that Christy Brown is a person who inspires people positively a lot and helps them fight life's difficulties. And he shows us that mental illnesses shouldn't be treated as a taboo subject.

Student's name

Iraia Zufiaurre

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