2022(e)ko apirilaren 28(a), osteguna

The Joy Luck Club-Amy Tan



The Joy Luck Club is about the lives of four Asian women who flew from China to America with their daughters in 1940. In the novel, each woman talks about her life but the novel focuses on the life of a girl named Jing-mai whose mother was one of the members and who died recently; she takes her place in the club named The Joy Luck Club. Through their stories, Jing-mai comes to appreciate the richness of her heritage. The club has that name because when the women left each other they always wished each other joy and luck.

Personal Opinion

I think that this book is very valuable if you want to learn more about Chinese culture. Moreover, I believe that this book is very deep because these four women teach their American daughters to believe in themselves and achieve a better life in America. This book is a little bit longer than other ones but I recommend reading it because once you start you can’t stop reading it.

Student's name
Maria Vazquez

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