2022(e)ko maiatzaren 3(a), asteartea

A Foreigner in New York-Ramón Ybarra


The history begins with a phone call from Jason. He invites the protagonist, Antonio, to go to his home in New York, where he has been living for 6 months, as it is the trip he has always been dreaming. His boss gives him permission to travel, so he doesn't wait any longer and goes. Once there, they do a lot of activities. For example, Antonio visits New York City, and apart from seeing celebrities like Lady Gaga, he is surpriseed by how big Chinatown is. Another day, they go to see a baseball game, and what they like the most about it is the food and getting to know the Carnegie Deli. When he returns to Spain at the beginning of the year, he promises to invite them to Spain and visit it together. However, in the summer he does not resist and travels to New York again.

Personal Opinion

I really like this book, as I love travelling like Antonio. In addition, I also want to go to New York, and the activities Antonio did seem interesting.

Student's name

Asier Oria Nazabal

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